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News & Events

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News & Events

Communicating science is a central mission of Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA). In order to satisfy the information demands of very distinct and diverse target groups the Institute’s Communications & Events department has developed a set of different formats, ranging from events and lectures for the general public to symposia, conferences and talks for scientists. Additionally, it establishes and maintains contact with the general public, media, research community, alumni, schools, and the communal and campus neighbors. Share the fascination of science with us and stay informed!

Press & Media

Our media relations team helps journalists interested in research at ISTA and provides media support to our scientists. Want to receive press releases or looking for an interview partner? Subscribe here.


ISTA organizes numerous community events on campus and participates in many regional events to reach out to the general public.

Conferences & Symposia
One of the core missions of the Institute is to get the international research community on campus and foster the transfer of knowledge. Therefore, the ISTA events team supports the faculty in organizing numerous conferences & symposia. Find upcoming conferences & symposia here.

ISTA Colloquium
The Institute Colloquium is the principal research seminar at ISTA. Scientists from around the world and from across all disciplines of the natural sciences are invited to present their latest findings. Find a list of upcoming ISTA Colloquia here.

ISTA Lectures
The ISTA Lectures are targeted at a general audience interested in current developments in science, with speakers providing sufficient background information for non-experts and, at the same time, going into detailed explanations of a recent scientific topic.

The bigX, organized jointly by the Federation of Austrian Industry and ISTA, is an annual event with the goal to foster the interaction between the basic research community and the business world.

xista Talks
xista Talks are intended to foster exchange between industry, start-ups, ISTA, and a broader research community.

Science Festivals & Exhibitions
The biggest science festival at ISTA is the annual Open Campus in celebration of the anniversary of the Institute’s inauguration. A central activity is the award ceremony for a school science competition aimed at elementary and high school students. ISTA also regularly takes part in the “Long Night of Research” and other science festivals.

WoMen in Science
ISTA is committed to both the goal of promoting gender equality as well as promoting diversity and takes this into account in all planning, decision-making and organizational processes. In order to bring the issue into the public eye and stimulate discussions, ISTA is hosting WoMen in Science events.

ISTA for Educators, Schools & Kids
ISTA hosts a range of outreach events and summer camps, and continually develops Science Education activities and resources for children of all ages, and for educators. Find all our current workshops, teaching materials, and opportunities to immerse yourself in science at ISTA here.

Follow us

Social media management helps us to stay in contact with you and get you fascinated by science. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Youtube.


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Contact us

For event related questions contact our Event Office at
Get in touch with the Communications Office at

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