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Mar 21, 2024

ISTA Egg Hunt

Solve all the mISTAries of the universe

Date: March 21, 2024 | 4:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Location: Moonstone Seminar Center + Raiffeisen Lecture Hall
Language: English

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Nova Cyhper, ISTA's renowned expert in radio astronomy, is looking for puzzle enthusiasts, crossword crackers, and mystery lovers on campus who dare to decode a mysterious radio signal recently received by the Cypher group. An exciting interdisciplinary puzzle adventure awaits – puzzle experts and beginners alike! Sign up below!

For the first time, ISTA is organizing a puzzle hunt featuring puzzles designed by ISTA scientists for employees of ISTA . On Thursday, March 21st, 2024, at 4 pm, the search for the ISTA egg begins. Participants sign up as teams of up to five puzzle solvers and are given 24 hours to navigate through a jungle of entangled interdisciplinary puzzles. The following day, on Friday, March 22nd, at 4 pm, the winning team will be announced, and solutions to all puzzles presented. The puzzles are designed to cater to both experienced puzzle solvers and beginners. Furthermore, while 24 hours are set as the time limit, ambitious teams may solve all puzzles in considerably less time. Brain food, in the form of pizza, snacks, and drinks, will be provided on Thursday evening, and the closing act on Friday. Will you and your team of up to 5 interdisciplinary puzzlers be the first to find the long-awaited ISTA egg and uncover the mystery of the puzzling signal?


Start:                       Thursday, March 21, 2024 at Moonstone Seminar Center
                                 3.30 pm On-site registration & starter kits
                                 4 pm start of the ISTA Egg Hunt

Prize Ceremony:     Friday, March 22, 2024 – 4 pm at the Raiffeisen Lecture Hall

More Information:

March 21, 2024
4:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Moonstone Seminar Center + Raiffeisen Lecture Hall



Theresia Hammerl



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