October 13, 2010
Bertalanffy Foundation Building inaugurated
President Henzinger names three new professors • Governor Pröll emphasizes importance for Lower Austria • Groundbreaking ceremony for second lab building

With a ceremonial act this afternoon the Bertalanffy Foundation Building on the Campus of the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) in Klosterneuburg was officially opened. IST President Thomas Henzinger, Governor Erwin Pröll, Department Head Elisabeth Freismuth representing the Federal Minister for Science and Research, Beatrix Karl, and donor Peter Bertalanffy in their speeches mentioned the importance of the first experimental lab for the future development of IST Austria towards an internationally leading research institute.
President Henzinger in his speech explained, that “science without experiment is purely speculative. Institutes without labs remain just think-tanks. Therefore it is so very important, that a institute dedicated to basic research not only permits experiments but encourages them.” Immediately with the opening seven research groups will take up their work, Henzinger continued. Henzinger expressed his gratitude to the state of Lower Austria, especially Governor Pröll, the Federal Government, especially the team of Minister Karl as well as former members of the government in the founding period of IST Austria. Henzinger underlined, that the Institute in particular was indebted to donor Peter Bertalanffy: “The donation by the Invicta private foundation of 10 Mio. € is something very exceptional. Even for me who has spent 24 years abroad, this is a dimension that renders me speechless in astonishment and gratitude.”
Finally, Henzinger introduced three new professors at IST Austria: The biophysicists Tobias Bollenbach amd Gasper Tkacik, ant the computer scientist Chris Wojtan.
The ceremony was concluded by the ground-breaking ceremony for the second lab building. The completion of this meanwhile nameless building is planned for the summer of 2012.