June 21, 2011
Michael Sixt receives START grant
Cell biologist Michael Sixt receives highest national grant for young researchers • Euro 1.2 mio for 6 years for project on leukocyte migration • IST President Thomas Henzinger: Grant confirms IST recruitment strategy

The Federal Minister for Science and Research, Prof. Karlheinz Töchterle, and the President of Austria’s funding agency FWF, Prof. Christoph Kratky, today announced that IST Assistant Professor Michael Sixt is one of this year’s recipients of a START grant amounting to approximately € 1.2 mio for six years. The grant is awarded for Sixt’s project “Cytoskeletal force generation and force transduction of migrating leukocytes”.
IST President Thomas Henzinger: “The START grant for Michael Sixt proves the quality of our recruitment process. IST can offer high potential scientists excellent opportunities at the beginning of their careers which they can utilize for achieving their research goals in an ideal manner.”