December 19, 2018
OECD report praises achievements of IST Austria
Institutes of Science and Technology an example of successful promotion of excellence

In the nine years since its campus opened in Klosterneuburg, the Institute of Science and Technology (IST Austria) has established itself as an international center for excellent basic research. This is now also acknowledged by the OECD in its latest report on Austrian innovation policy, entitled “OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy: Austria 2018“. The document presented on Friday by Science Minister Heinz Faßmann and Infrastructure Minister Norbert Hofer testifies to the good development of the Austrian research landscape. Particularly highlighted was the, as the report puts it, “remarkable research record” of IST Austria. The “institutional innovation” IST Austria had met the high expectations placed on it.
On behalf of the BMBWF (Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research) and the BMVIT (Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology), the OECD analyzed Austria’s research, technology and innovation system and identified its strengths and weaknesses. IST Austria is mentioned positively in several respects. The report explicitly identifies IST Austria as one of the strengths of the Austrian research landscape. Particular praise is given to the exceptionally high success rate in obtaining competitive grants from the European Research Council (ERC) and the total number of such grants obtained: with 37 grants in the observation period, IST Austria is responsible for a considerable proportion of the total of 125 grants awarded to Austria.
Also mentioned is the internationality of IST Austria, which is reflected in the exceptionally high share of international students and researchers. IST Austria succeeded in attracting a large number of talented young researchers to Austria. The recent inclusion of IST Austria in the Nature 2018 Index of the Top 30 (universities) under 30 (years old) is also praised by the OECD report.
In conclusion, the OECD recommends to continue the commitment and support for the further development of IST Austria, or as it literally says in the report: “Continue commitment and support for the successful evolution of IST Austria”.