May 5, 2010
Press conference on Computer Science Symposium
Presentation of ARiSE network

IST President Prof. Thomas A. Henzinger presented details of the Computer Science symposium “Reactive Modeling in Science and Engineering” to journalists from the Austrian media at the Cafe Landtmann in Vienna. The symposium is taking place at the IST Campus on May 6/7 as part of the event series in May and June on the occasion of the first birthday of the Institute. Among the renowned speakers addressing current chapters in Computer Science is Turing Award Winner Joseph Sifakis.
In addition, Prof. Helmut Veith (TU Wien) and Prof. Roderick Bloem (TU Graz) introduced ARiSE (Austrian Rigorous Systems Engineering) at the press conference. This association brings together scientists from four Austrian universities and IST Austria forming a network for cooperation in this dynamic new field of Computer Science.