December 4, 2008
Professor Thomas A. Henzinger appointed First President of IST Austria
Outstanding computer scientist from Linz (Upper Austria) with long career abroad accepts offer. Will start serving September 1 2009

The Board of Trustees of the Institute of Science and Technology Austria, in its meeting on Thursday, December 4th, has appointed Prof. Thomas A. Henzinger, of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Lausanne (EPFL), as the first President of IST Austria. Professor Henzinger, an outstanding internationally recognized Computer Scientist, has accepted the offer to lead the new Institute. He will start serving in a full time capacity on September 1, 2009, allowing for an orderly transition of his current responsibilities in Lausanne. Until that date, the Executive Committee of the Institute will continue to act in the role of President, with Prof. Henzinger serving as an active and frequent advisor, gradually taking charge of his obligations at IST Austria and spending part of his time at the Klosterneuburg campus.
Click here for the press release.