November 16, 2020
Review Science-Industry Talk 2020
On November 10, the IST Austria’s Science-Industry Talk 2020 took place for the twelfth time. Over 140 people joined the live stream.

In his keynote, Matthias Evers, Senior Partner at McKinsey, gave insights into the importance and challenges of technology transfer in Europe. In a lively panel discussion, Matthias Evers together with Dorothee von Laer, founder of ViraTherapeutics, Erich Tauber, co-founder and CEO of Themis Bioscience GmbH, as well as Ingrid Kelly Spillmann from the IST Austria technology transfer team discussed about their views on how to strengthen the European technology transfer ecosystem. They also talked about the role of IST Austria, IST Park, and IST cube in this regard and highlighted several best practice cases of successful knowledge transfer from research into applications.
Afterwards, the participants had the chance to continue the discussion online together with the panelists and the IST Austria technology transfer team.
You can watch the recorded stream and the presented videos on the research at IST Austria and the current work at IST Park on our YouTube channel.