June 1, 2015
Successful research party in Maria Gugging
Open Campus Day 2015 was huge success • 2000 guests experienced research at IST Austria • Donation campaign for “Hilfe statt Zelte“

Almost 2000 guests of all ages explored the campus of the Institute of Science and Technology in Maria Gugging last Sunday (May 31). Among the most popular attractions were the award ceremony of the school competition, the family lecture by Prof. Simon Hippenmeyer on “Functions of the Human Brain” and the tower building competition.
At the opening ceremony Barbara Schwarz, councilor for education in the state of Lower Austria government, emphasized the importance of extracurricular education activities such as the Open Campus Day and the Summer Campus organized by IST Austria in August: “By using such measures we introduce kids and teenagers to natural sciences. These initiatives deepen and broaden the conventional ways of instruction at schools”. Maria-Theresia Eder, city councilor for education Klosterneuburg, explained the function that communities fulfill: “We can even arouse the interest for science in the kindergarten. The successful cooperation between IST Austria und elementary schools in the region is proof of this concept.”
Managing Director Georg Schneider stated that IST Austria organized the Open Campus once a year to thank the people of Klosterneuburg for their hospitality and friendliness: “We almost have 500 employees from more than 50 nations. One third lives in Klosterneuburg and its surrounding areas. We truly appreciate their hospitality.” Accordingly, a donation campaign was set up for the initiative “Hilfe statt Zelte” supporting Syrian war refugees, yielding almost 1000 Euro at the Open Campus. This amount will be doubled by IST Austria.