Cryo Electron Microscopes
300kV Cryo-TEM Titan Krios G3i – Single Particle Analysis and Cryo-Electron Tomography
- X-FEG Electron Source
- Ceta 16Mpx CMOS Camera
- Falcon 3EC
- Gatan K3 BioQuantum
- Phase-plate
- Dual Axis Holder
- SW: EPU, Tomo, SerialEM, Maps 3 for TEM with Correlative Workflow

200kV Cryo-TEM Glacios – Single Particle Analysis and Cryo-Electron Tomography
- X-FEG Electron Source
- Ceta 16Mpx CMOS Camera
- Falcon 4i
- Phase-plate
- SW: EPU, Tomo, SerialEM, Maps 3 for TEM with Correlative Workflow, Velox

Cryo-FIB/SEM Aquilos 2 – Cryo-lamella preparation
- NICol electron column
- High-throughput ion column
- 110 x 110 mm eucentric Cryo-stage
- In-lens detectors: Lower (T1) and Upper (T2)
- SE detector (ET-SED)
- ICE Detector
- Maps 3 for SEM with Correlative Workflow
- Pt Deposition GIS
- Integrated Pt Sputter Coater
- EasyLift Cryo Lift-out
- Cryo-AutoTEM SW
- Auto Slice and View 4 SW
- AutoScript DB – Python-based application programming interface
- iFLM Correlative System
Leica EM Cryo-CLEM
The innovative Leica EM Cryo CLEM set for widefield lightmicroscopy with the Leica DM6 FS represents the state-of-the art solution for analysis of cryo samples in the cryo light and electron microscope.
For easy, contamination-free sample transfer from cryo sample preparation instruments, the cryo transfer shuttle is docked to the Leica EM Cryo stage mounted to the microscope. The Leica EM Cryo CLEM objective with low working distance (< 0,28 mm) for high resolution ensures fast and specific localization of target structures in the light microscopy leading to fast and accurately determine regions of interest in the electron microscope.
Microscope stand
- DM6 FS
- Leica DFC9000 GT: deep-cooled 4.2 MP sCMOS camera with a maximum of 82% quantum efficiency, 50 frames per second acquisition speed, and extreme low dark current of 0.14e/p/sec, pixel size: 6,5 μm, Bit depth: 12/16 bit.
Objective lens
- Leica HCX PL APO 50x / 0.90 CLEM objective. Working distance of 0.28 mm. Maximum resolution of 512 nm.
Filter system
- DAPI ET: Excitation: BP 350/50; Dichroic: LP 400, Emission: BP 460/50
- GFP ET: Excitation: 470/40; Dichroic: 495; Emission: 525/50
- TXR ET: Excitation: BP 560/40; Dichroic: LP 585; Emission: BP 630/75
- CLEM Viewer
- Thunder module

Cryo Transfer Tomography System for Tecnai 12
Fischione M2550 + Pumping station