Microscopy and Nanomanipulation
FEI Teneo LoVac FE-SEM
The FEI SEM combines high- and low-voltage ultra-high resolution capabilities with a non-immersion lens design together with a low vacuum mode for charge compensation on non-conductive material. Novel Field Emission Electron Optics optimised for both high current and high resolution meeting all imaging and analysis needs. The system equipped with standard specimen holder with labeled positions and stage mounting, allowing simultaneous loading of 18 standard samples, three 45˚ pre-tilted samples, two row bars and a spring-loaded clamp holder for mounting cross-sections. A high-vacuum secondary electron detector (Everhart-Thornley SED) and low-vacuum SED (LVD), optimized for use across the available kV, current and pressure range.

- Trinity detection system for fast imaging, and easy collection of all available signals
- High-precision specimen goniometer with 110 mm travel along the x and y axes
- A Windows user Interface
- Voltage: 200 eV to 30 keV
- In-lens detectors and SE detectors
- Low-Vacuum SED (LVD) and oil-free pumping system
- Integrated current measurement
- Automatic aperture system
- Electron beam charge neutralizer (LoVac)
User Support and Scientific Advice:
Juan Aguilera juan.aguilera@ist.ac.at
Evgeniia Volobueva evgeniia.volobueva@ist.ac.at
Rodolfo Previdi rodolfo.previdi@ist.ac.at
Atomic Force Microscope
We have a Park NX20 Atomic Force Microscope with the following specifications:
- Z range of up to 15 um.
- XY Scanner with a maximum range of 100 um by 100 um.
- Vacuum and magnetic holder for small samples and 2″, 4″ and 6″ wafers.

User Support and Scientific Advice:
Juan Luis Aguilera juan.aguilera@ist.ac.at
Lubuna Shafeek lubuna.shafeek@ist.ac.at
Bruno Magalhaes bmartins@ist.ac.at
Plasma Xe Focus Ion Beam (PFIB)
Perform the highest throughput and quality relevant 3D characterization, cross sectioning, and micromachining. Achieve high-productivity, curtain-free preparation of large area cross-sections and highest quality TEM lamella with Auto Rocking Mill. Achieve exceptional low-kV ion beam performance, enabling material sensitivity and low sample preparation damage.

User Support and Scientific Advice:
Evgeniia Volobueva evgeniia.volobueva@ist.ac.at
Juan Aguilera juan.aguilera@ist.ac.at
Lubuna Shafeek lubuna.shafeek@ist.ac.at