Vicoso Group
Sex-Chromosome Biology and Evolution
Sex chromosomes, such as the X and Y of mammals, are involved in sex-determination in many animal and plant species. Their sex specificity leads them to evolve differently from other chromosomes, and acquire distinctive biological properties. The Vicoso group investigates how sex chromosomes evolve over time, and what biological forces are driving their patterns of differentiation.
The Vicoso group is interested in understanding several aspects of the biology of sex chromosomes, and the evolutionary processes that shape their peculiar features. By combining the use of next-generation sequencing technologies with studies in several model and non-model organisms, they can address a variety of standing questions, such as: Why do some Y chromosomes degenerate while others remain homomorphic, and how does this relate to the extent of sexual dimorphism of the species? What forces drive some species to acquire global dosage compensation of the X, while others only compensate specific genes? What are the frequency and molecular dynamics of sex-chromosome turnover?
Current Projects
Sex chromosome turnover and conservation | Dosage compensation in female-heterogametic species | Gene expression evolution in sexual and asexual species
Mrnjavac A, Vicoso B. 2025. Reduced efficacy of selection on a young Z chromosome region of schistosoma japonicum. Genome Biology and Evolution. 17(2), evaf021. View
Fraser R, Moraa R, Djolai A, Meisenheimer N, Laube S, Vicoso B, Huylmans AK. 2024. Evidence for a novel X chromosome in termites. Genome Biology and Evolution. 16(12), evae265. View
Mrnjavac A. 2024. Early stages of sex chromosome evolution. Institute of Science and Technology Austria. View
Mcdonough Y, Ruzicka F, Connallon T. 2024. Reconciling theories of dominance with the relative rates of adaptive substitution on sex chromosomes and autosomes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 121(44), e2406335121. View
Elkrewi MN, Vicoso B. 2024. Single-nucleus atlas of the Artemia female reproductive system suggests germline repression of the Z chromosome. PLoS Genetics. 20(8), e1011376. View
ReX-Link: Beatriz Vicoso
Since 2020 Professor, Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
2015 – 2020 Assistant Professor, Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
2009 – 2014 Postdoc, University of California, Berkeley, USA
2010 PhD, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Selected Distinctions
2017 Member of the Young Academy of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
2016 ERC Starting Grant
2016 FWF Standalone Grant
2011 DeLill Nasser Travel Award from the Genetics Society of America