Outgoing Erasmus+ staff training mobility at ISTA
The Erasmus+ staff training mobility grant is funded by the European Union and enables ISTA to send staff to on-site trainings at other institutions within Europe in participating Erasmus+ program countries. The program offers great opportunities for acquiring knowledge and professional experience abroad to academic and administrative staff of ISTA.
The Erasmus+ staff training mobility program provides contributions to travel and subsistence (accommodation and living) costs to support your mobility abroad.
By signing the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE), based on our Erasmus policy statement, ISTA committed to providing all necessary support for mobility activities for incoming and outgoing Erasmus+ participants.
Why take part?
Your mobility is of advantage for you and ISTA:
- Discover new ideas
- Study new tools and techniques
- Transfer knowledge and best practices
- Learn from shared experience
- Acquire new practical skills
- Make benchmarks
- Meet new people, possible peers and sparring partners
- Refresh your thinking and perspectives
- Learn different approaches and broaden your horizon
- … and bring everything back to ISTA and to your colleagues!
Eligibility and requirements
Eligible staff members:
- Academic and administrative staff of ISTA.
- Employment contract at ISTA that is valid at least 2 months before and 2 months after the mobility.
- Approval of the Erasmus+ mobility application by direct supervisor.
Preference will be given to staff members participating in the staff training mobility program for the first time.
Eligible types of training:
The mobility can be used for participation in trainings, job shadowing, workshops, courses, summer schools and similar training activities at higher educational institutions (ECHE required) or other relevant organizations. Attendance at conferences is not an eligible type of training mobility.
Duration of training:
Min. 2 days – max. 4 weeks (excluding travel days).
Find a list of Erasmus+ countries of destination that are currently eligible for staff training placements here.
Contact details and information on Erasmus+
- Further information and contact: erasmus@ista.ac.at
- Staff members of ISTA can find details about application documents, deadlines and financial conditions on our internal page about the Erasmus+ staff training mobility program.
- The OeAD is the Austrian agency for international mobility and cooperation in education, science and research, and coordinates Erasmus+ activities together with participating institutions in Austria. On the Erasmus+ website of the OeAD you can find all relevant information about Erasmus+ related to Austria (mostly in German).
- General Information about the Erasmus+ – EU program for education, training, youth and sport can also be found on the website of the European Commission.
- The Erasmus+ Programme Guide from the EU provides full details of all funding opportunities supported by Erasmus+ for participants and participating organisations.

Incoming Erasmus+ participants
ISTA accepts incoming Erasmus+ participants on traineeships and staff mobility activities. The Erasmus+ code is A KLOSTER01.
Incoming Erasmus+ students are processed as visiting students. Students who are interested in doing a traineeship at ISTA may apply to the respective group leader directly. Find out more about the research groups.
Application deadline: anytime, directly to individual professors.
Start: the earliest 2 months after acceptance.
up to 6 months
- Close supervision by a faculty or a group member.
- Full access to ISTA facilities and services.
- Full access to academic courses.
- Visa support (if applicable).
- Limited number of on-campus housing options available.
Staff mobility
Other academic and administrative staff employed at a research institution participating in the Erasmus+ program, who are interested in Erasmus+ training activities at ISTA, should contact the research group and/or relevant unit directly to discuss the details.