19. Nov 2024
Momentum Distribution of Interacting Fermions in the Random Phase Approximation
Mathphys Analysis Seminar
Datum: 19. November 2024 |
16:00 –
Niels Benedikter, University of Milan
Veranstaltungsort: Office Bldg West / Ground floor / Heinzel Seminar Room (I21.EG.101)
Large quantum systems of interacting fermionic particles (such as electrons in a metal) show a large variety of transitions between different phases with very different physical behavior. Recently, rigorous results extending beyond mean-field theory have been obtained through bosonization methods, confirming predictions of the random phase approximation in high density regimes. I will review bosonization methods in the study of interacting fermions, and then discuss the predictions of the random phase approximation for the momentum distribution of particles in a gas of fermions.