17. Jan 2025
The hidden gems of antiviral immune systems in bacteria
Datum: 17. January 2025 |
11:00 –
Stan Brouns , TU Delft
Veranstaltungsort: Sunstone / Ground Floor / Big Seminar Room B (I23.EG.102)
Prokaryotes have evolved a multitude of immune systems to defend themselves from virus predation including known gems such as CRISPR-Cas and Restriction enzymes. Recent years have seen a dramatic increase in known virus defense mechanisms in prokaryotes. In my talk I will give an overview of antiviral defense in bacteria, and will reveal a number of new antiviral defense mechanisms related innate immune pathways in Eukaryotes. I will highlight CRISPR-controlled proteases in antiviral defense, and I will furthermore discuss the relevance of virus defense for the development of virus-based antimicrobial strategies (phage therapy). Finally, I will present phage countermeasure strategies able to subvert host immunity.