April 6, 2021
NOMIS Fellowships – Call for Proposals
IST Austria and NOMIS Foundation seek postdoctoral researchers with pioneering interdisciplinary spirit.

In our incredibly complex world, discoveries often give rise to new questions – questions whose answers lie at the intersection of different disciplines. To continue gaining insights and advancing human progress, scientists ought to approach them from an interdisciplinary perspective. But interdisciplinary researchers may lack the right environment for such curiosity-driven exploration. Therefore, the NOMIS Foundation and the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) have opened the second call for their interdisciplinary fellowship program for exceptional postdoctoral scientists. Proposals may be submitted until June 8th, 2021 (14:00 CET).
The NOMIS Fellowship Program at IST Austria is designed to give excellent postdoctoral researchers the freedom to pursue answers to big questions at the intersection of two or more scientific disciplines. Two fellows per year will be supported not only financially (3-year contract and research costs), but also with a strongly collaborative research environment, access to world-class facilities and outstanding scientific mentorship from proven leaders in their respective fields. The program also fosters institutional and international exchange by allowing the inclusion of outstanding external mentors.
Scientists who have demonstrated excellence within any of the research fields established at IST Austria and showcase flexibility, curiosity and creativity can apply to the program. The closing date for proposals is June 8th, 2021 (14:00 CET). For a detailed description and the application link please visit the postdoc page of IST Austria.
The first fellowship call in 2020 attracted numerous cross-disciplinary proposals, with the first fellow, Christopher Currin, commencing in February 2021. Christopher exhibited a clear visionary spirit throughout the application process, with his research at IST Austria exploring computational models of human neural networks.
NOMIS Foundation
The NOMIS Foundation supports and enables insight-driven science across all disciplines, focusing on researchers who put forth bold new ideas, exhibit a pioneering spirit and seek to inspire the world around them. The foundation’s vision is to “create a spark” in the world of science by enabling pioneering research in the natural sciences, social sciences and the humanities that benefits humankind and our planet. The foundation serves as a catalyst for scientific and human progress by supporting interdisciplinary research, establishing collaborative research networks and developing strategic partnerships. In addition to providing financial support, NOMIS endeavors to develop and strengthen the conditions conducive to the pursuit of high-risk basic research. www.nomisfoundation.ch