Imaging & Optics Facility
The Imaging & Optics Facility team supports scientists at Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) by providing a elaborate machine park with state-of-the-art microscope equipment, flow devices and diverse image analysis options.
Machine park: Our machine park consists of a wide selection of imaging platforms, such as: Widefield, Confocal, Multiphoton, Spinning disc, TIRF, Light sheet, Force probing, Bioluminescence imaging, as well as Fluorescence-Assisted Cell Analyser and -Sorters, and Image analysis workstations with advanced software options. For advanced applications, additional accessories, optical tools and high-end objectives are available via our Automated Rental System.
Imaging applications: Our machine park offers a wide spectrum of imaging applications for fixed-tissue slide-scanning, live imaging (+ climate control: temperature, humidity, CO2/O2), Fluorescent Life-time Imaging Microscopy (FLIM) & time-gated acquisition, Laser Assisted Microdissection & Fluorescent Recovery After Photobleach (FRAP), Multi-angle (360°) TIRF, Super resolution (Airyscan I & II, SORA, SRRF-stream, dSTROM), Second Harmonics Generation Microscopy (SHG), Wavelength profiling (excitation & emission Lambda scans).
Teach and Tech: The Imaging & Optics facility further provides trainings, courses, instrument demonstrations, workshops and is involved in outreach events. We offer advanced expertise in Fluorescence-assisted cells sorting services (FACS), custom Image Analysis (deconvolution, scripting, machine learning), project based imaging automation (feedback microscopy) solutions on a broad selection of imaging platforms and custom optical development services.
For specific further facility details, please visit the Imaging & Optics Facility web page:
On this site:
The Imaging & Optics Facility team provides the following services:
- Basic and advanced application trainings for best use of facility equipment
- Support in Cytometry, Microscopy and Image Analysis applications
- Project-based customization in:
- optical design
- automation
- image analysis (incl. custom image analysis scripts and machine learning)
- flow cytometry analysis
To use our services, the following steps are needed:
- Contact our team at; (for external customers only: cooperation contract between ISTA and your institution is necessary before you can obtain services)
- All users need to obtain special training from a Imaging & Optics Facility staff member for any piece of equipment that is required in your research. The training is obligatory before you use any piece of equipment for the first time.
- Detailed guidelines can be found here
Imaging & Optics Facility Machine park:
- Microscopy
- Flow Cytometry (FACS)
- Image Analysis
Teaching and Outreach
The Imaging & Optics Facility is involved in different teaching and outreach events:
- Annual (Graduate School) Microscopy course
- Introduction to Newcomers to the Imaging & Optics Facility (mandatory)
- Open Campus Day
- Technological Workshops and Seminars
- Equipment demonstrations
Institute of Science and Technology Austria
c/o Imaging & Optics Facility
Am Campus 1, A-3400 Klosterneuburg, Austria
Office: Bertalanffy Foundation building, ground floor
Scientific Head of Imaging & Optics Facility:
Anna Kicheva
Contact for general facility questions:
Contact Manager: